How We Met
The classic story. Boy met girl. Boy loved girl. Girl wanted to be friends. Boy doggedly pursued girl.
Girl kissed boy. POW! The rest is history.We started dating in August 2002 after being close friends. Before we met, we actually led very similar lives. Cornelius worked at a record store and Jeannette worked at the record store right next door. Cornelius volunteered at the Blinding Light!! Cinema on Tuesday nights and Jeannette volunteered there on Wednesday nights. Cornelius decided to study computer programing and web development and at the same time, Jeannette was attending school for digital design. They became friends after Jeannette emailed Cornelius about job prospects in their respective fields and they started meeting regularly for late night coffees.
Yes, Cornelius pursued Jeannette and she turned him down many times until he invited her for breakfast at his apartment. Jeannette decided to throw caution to the wind, and she gave him a kiss after breakfast. Lucky for them both, he was a good kisser!
We are giddy and in love and from that first kiss, we knew we'd have a long future together!